
Wednesday 10 June 2015

We are learning to write an information report about a topic related to space.

By Friday 5 June you need to have written and edited your information report on a topic related to space so that it is ready to be published.

Here are some ideas to writej
  • Jupiter
  • Astronauts
  • Earth    
  • The Moon
  • Eclipses
  • Stars

My topic is:

You need to attend one workshop with the teacher on an area that you feel you need help with for your writing. Here is the timetable where you will make your bookings. There is space for seven people in each workshop so book in quickly to make sure there is space!

Start researching and plan your writing here: (remember to write notes in your plan). Click here to see an exemplar of a plan.

Main idea:
Venus is the hottest planet

More detail:
Becaus eit the second closet to the sun
More detail:
Main idea:

More detail:
More detail:
Main idea:

More detail:
More detail:

Success Criteria for writing. Click here to see an exemplar of an information report about Mars.

Level 3
Student Targets:
Audience and Purpose
  • Identify my audience and purpose for writing.

  • Write clearly and include all important information.

  • Add factual detail to expand my ideas.

Structure: including punctuation and grammar
  • Use different sentence starters.
  • Join some ideas using conjunctions such as: when, while, after, since, until, if, because, although, that
  • Organise my ideas into paragraphs and sequence my ideas so that my writing flows.

  • Use subheadings for each new paragraph to tell the reader what it is about

  • Check that I am writing in the present tense (for example: the sun is a ball of fire; the stars are shooting through the sky)

  • Use a range of punctuation correctly.    (.,?!)

  • Identify and correct most spelling errors.

  • Improve my writing so that it is more enjoyable/informative for the reader.

Start your writing here:

Have you ever wondered about Venus. Venus is the planet that lives in space incase Solar System.

In comparison  Venus’s size is the sort of  size as the Earth. And the size of Earth is a little planet. If that means if you can fit 10 million Earths, in the Sun you can fit 10 million Venus’s in the Sun. Did you know Venus has a diameter. Venus is almost the same size as the Earth, measuring 12,100 kilometres and takes 224 days to make one orbit, during which is sometimes comes within 40 million kilometres of the Earth.

Then the Appearance of Venus is a big spherical shape of lava. It has big chunk of rocks on the planet Venus. You know Venus is a romantic planet. The surface on Venus is very hot and dry.

Venus’s Energy
Planet Venus’s energy is very powerful and very hot because Venus is the hottest planet in the entire solar system. Like the planet Venus is hot because it has Volcanoes and rocks. Although there 167 volcanoes so that mean’s it is so hot. The trapped heat raises the temperature on the surface to 475 degrees Celsius despite only about two percent of the Sun’s light reaching the surface. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is 90 times greater than on Earth.   

Facts about Venus
Venus is the Hottest planet in the Solar system. A day on Venus lasts longer than its year. When Venus is visible in the night sky the only object brighter, in the sky is the moon. The surface of Venus is the youngest of the planets in our solar system.  Venus is the second furthest away from the Sun. Did you know that Venus is a morning star and a evening. Did you know the closest, neighbor buddy next to Venus is Earth. The Planet Venus is Earth's sister.Venus is surrounded by thick clouds of carbon dioxide gas. These clouds, which trap the Sun’s heat and prevent it from escaping, help to create a greenhouse effect on a planet. Also, it rains sulphuric acid there. So if you stood on Venus, you would be boiled crushed and dissolved in one go! Venus is almost the same size as the Earth, measuring 12,100 kilometres and takes 224 days to make one orbit, during which is sometimes comes within 40 million kilometres of the Earth. Because Venus rotates once every 243 days. Its thick clouds reflect the sunlight, making it one of the brightest objects in the sky.

Bright Planet
The thick clouds that make Venus's Atmosphere reflect the sunlight brightly. It is therefore the brightest object in the Earth’s skies apart from the Sun And the Moon. The planet's surface is covered with mountains, craters and volcanoes, some of them bigger than Mount Everest, the highest mountain on the Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Roman,
    You have lots of good facts about Venus i never knew that the days last longer that a year you have lots of knowledge about Venus.

    By George.V


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